Why We have Committees
Members of the WCBA are appointed to such committees as may be necessary to conduct the business of the WCBA.
Our Committees
Admissions Committee
Responsible for interviewing prospective candidates seeking admission to the bar.
Continuing Legal Education Committee
Responsible for conducting informational programs and seminars for members.
Grievance Committee
Responsible for reviewing and processing complaints against members of the bar.
Judicial Administration Committee
Assist judges in the development of local court rules.
Public Relations Committee
Promote law day and disseminate educational and public information programs.
Law Office management Committee
Assist members in improving their practices through more efficient business practices.
Legal Aid Referral Committee
Provide a referral system for Wayne County Legal Aid Society.
Projects and Programs Committee
Conducts special events, programming and projects.
Public Defenders Committee
Works with the public defender’s office of Wayne County to handle problems involved in the defense of indigents charged with crimes.
Public Records Committee
Review and make recommendations regarding the public records maintained in the county.
Social Committee
Encourage social interaction among members through social events and programming.
Unauthorized Practice Committee-
Conduct notary examinations and investigate any complaints of the unauthorized practice of law.